Sunday, February 21, 2010

The World of Blogging...

Well, this is super exciting! This is my first blog ever... I never really thought that I would be doing this whole "blog" thing, but I am. Here is a big shout out to Tom and Heabre for the encouragement.


  1. nice blogitude! i must say that this design is not exactly befitting a caro such as yourself. nonetheless, we will be bloggin' buddies!

  2. check out this site if you want to make your own background.

    Otherwise I'd suggest
    which is the easiest. You just add a html gadget (customize - layout - page elements - add a gadget)and paste in a code from under the background you like on the site.
    I think for that you'll want to set your template to minima from blogger's selection of templates, (located to the right of the page elements tab.)
    Fonts and Colors is also under the layout tab (customize-layout-fonts and colors)
    Hope that helps.
