HOLY HOPPING LIZARDS!! I went cliff jumping yesterday. Let me tell you what. Standing on top of a cliff and looking at the water that was about 30 ft. below me was terrifying and exhilirating. My heart was beating so fast. I didn't know what to do. I am lucky to have patient friends that went before me and then one kind gentleman be patient enough to jump again so I could actually figure it out. As I was looking down, I started to freak out. People jump off cliffs, or buildings, or bridges to kill themselves. I couldn't understand it! But once I built up the courage to jump and pushed off of the rocks I realized falling through the air gives a lot of time to think, and no time to turn back. I hit the water and was so exhilarated by it all. Awesome. I loved every moment of it! Some of my friends took a 50 ft. cliff. Holy cats. They are brave souls. Or stupid. I haven't decided yet.
Other than that I have been playing with new friends and keeping track of old ones! Definitely important. A couple of weeks ago I started talking to this kid that I had lost touch with. We talked for about ten or eleven hours in two days. And then he tried to drive away and had no gas. So hilarious. And I was also lucky enough to drive to Salt Lake with an acquaintance and now I will consider us grand friends.
I went home for Sunday dinner and the truck overheated or something... and it was terrifying. Thank goodness for good friends who like driving and have cars :)
This has been a good week!